Saturday, April 20, 2013


In the beginning man created a fairytale.  The fairytale grew.  As it grew, the fairytale begat new fairy tales, which begat more fairy tales.

As these fairy tales grew, they begat hatred for their brother and sister fairy tales.  As this hatred grew, so did the fairytales' power.  This rise in power gave the World such wonders as the Inquisitions, Nazi-Germany, all manner of genocides and war, 9-11, and many more wonders too numerous to mention.

Somewhere along the way, amidst the ignorance and pain of Fairytale rule, reason was born.  The followers of the Fairy tales, tried many times in vain to kill reason, and its spawn:  logic, education, and common sense, but reason and its spawn survived, and eventually began to thrive.

Despite the growth of reason Fairy tales still thrive, and are still in charge, as mysticism, ignorance, and laziness are hard to overcome.

Enter:  This Blog

I offer this little corner of the web as a battleground between reason, intellect, and logic and their greatest enemy--the Biblical Fairytale.

This, the most powerful of fairy tales, has seen a deterioration in the number of its followers in recent decades, but still remains as the largest source of death, bigotry, hatred and war on the planet.  Why?

It is a fairytale whose adherents tend to know little about yet refuse to put aside.  Why?

It is a fairytale which is not only contradicted by extraordinary amounts of common sense observation and science, but also by itself.  Yet is still believed to be fact.  Why?

According to the fairytale, its adherents must spread the fairytale.  These people must make the fairy tale's detractors believe by a process of evangelizing.

I give those people a chance to do the work of their great fairy right here.

Make Me Believe.

Here is what I currently believe:
  1. The Bible is a fairytale written by ignorant men as a way to explain things to and gain control over other ignorant people.
  2. The Bible cannot stand on its own as divinely inspired due to its many inconsistencies and self-contradictions.
  3. The Bible's adherents cannot in a rational manner show the Bible to be anything other than what I have stated above.
  4. Belief in the Biblical fairy tale is the chief reason for most of the suffering and strife in the World today.
Disagree?  Why?  Prove it.

I won't in any way censor any one's opinions or statements until they reach the inevitable level of personal attacks on myself or other contributors (of either side), or when someone (of either side) begins saying the same thing over and over as this adds nothing, and usually means that the attacker or babbler has reached the limit of his or her intellectual ability to contribute.  I will also accept no anonymous comments--if you don't have the courage to put your name on a statement then it is not worth seeing.

I intend to follow this post with a list of talking points as a starting point for discussion, though you as a reader may feel free to raise any pertinent point for insertion into the discussion.  I will then take the point and give it its own separate forum, and of course give you credit for bringing it to light.  As such, all posts will be ongoing and edited as need be with no topic ever closed for further discussion

So, let's begin---Make Me Believe.

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